As I Left My Father's House
- Date: 07 March
- label.tijd 20:15 - 22:15
- Location: Theater aan het Spui, Zaal 2

Who are you? And who are you when you have to flee your country and experience the cruel sides of the world? And who do you become when your environment sees you as ‘the other’?
In the theatre performance As I Left My Father’s House you will learn more about the lives of people who have to leave their homes behind.
During the performance you will sit around the actors, the stands are retracted. The whole thing lasts 120 minutes, this includes a 30-minute discussion in the auditorium.
Maker & Company
Bright Omansa Richards is a storyteller, actor and the artistic director of New Dutch Connections, an organization that inspires (ex-)asylum seekers to realize their dreams for the future through empowering training programs at the Future Academy.
After fleeing the Liberian civil war in 1991, Richards was admitted to both the Film Academy in Amsterdam and the Theater School in Arnhem, and later played unforgettable roles on stages including the RO Theater and Huis aan de Amstel.
His performance As I Left My Father’s House has been performed more than 400 times in many different locations - high schools, churches, ministries, mosques - and for a very diverse audience. With the performances The Bright Side of Life and Future Citizens he brings refugees and audiences together to expand their network and connect with each other.
Theater aan het Spui, Zaal 2
Spui 187
2511 BN Den Haag Sign Up