Kiva - The Call of the Wisdomkeepers
- Date: 30 May
- label.tijd 19:30
- Location: Museon-Omniversum Dome

Film screening, with live music by Anna Fernhout before and after the film and post-film Q&A with Indigenous Wisdom Keepers: Cheryl Angel (Lakota Elder - USA), Carola Esparza (Mapuche tradition - Chile) and Raquel Haug (KIVA Wisdom Keeper - Netherlands).
We live in a world of chaos and division. In a world that seems increasingly distant from nature and out of balance, there is a great need for a different perspective, a hopeful perspective of harmony and reconnection.
This film captures the essence of the unique and ancient KIVA ceremony, where leaders of indigenous peoples from around the world come together for peace, equality and Mother Earth. 'The indigenous peoples have never lost touch with Mother Earth and can inspire us to create a more connected and sustainable way of life,' says filmmaker and photographer Marijke Kodden. She was given permission - one of the first and few - to capture the unique KIVA ceremonies in Mexico, India, the Netherlands and Germany. Together with Rakinah Buttner and Jaap Verhoeven, she made this impressive documentary. It is a hopeful message from the indigenous peoples, offering guidance on how we can restore our relationship with the earth and each other. Back to balance, community and together.
Synopsis film: 'Mother Earth calls her children home'
In 1968, medicine man Raymundo Tigre Perez (Mexico/USA) had a vision. He saw indigenous Wisdom Keepers from all over the world united in a circular well - with a fire at its heart - performing a ceremony. A spiritual ceremony for the earth, for peace and the well-being of all living things.
Only later did he discover that this was a KIVA, an ancient ceremony used by the Anasazi 3,000 years ago. Hundreds of indigenous Wisdom Keepers answered his call, and these KIVA ceremonies have been taking place around the world for more than 30 years. The KIVA ceremony is a collective call of the original indigenous peoples. They have never lost touch with nature and with their ancient wisdom they can inspire us to move to a more connected and sustainable way of life!
After the film, you will meet Indigenous Elders who will share their wisdom. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to ask questions of the Elders and filmmaker Marijke Kodden.
Cheryl Angel (Lakota Elder - USA)
One of the special guests this evening is Wisdom Keeper Cheryl Angel from America. Cheryl is an indigenous leader and venerable Lakota Elder (Sioux). She is a “Water Protector” and with the slogan “Water is Life,” she has been one of the original pillars of the Lakota people's nonviolent resistance at Sacred Stone Camp/Standing Rock. She will speak on the “7 Generation Principle”: by including generations before and after us in our decision-making, we can ensure a more sustainable world for our children and grandchildren.
Carola Esparza (Mapuche tradition - Chile)
Carola was born in Chile, at the foot of the Andes. Like many Chileans, she is of mixed blood, as a result of the colonization of Chile by the Spanish conquerors. For 15 years she has followed in the footsteps of Dona Rosa Huenufil, a Mapuche grandmother, keeper of the Mapuzungun (the language of the earth), who taught her the sacred art of the prayer woman (Guillipullera). Carola Esparza is a true peacemaker, strong communicator from the heart. Supporting people to “move” communication from the head to the heart, so they can understand each other better. To bring peace into each other's hearts.
Raquel Haug (KIVA Wisdom Keeper - Netherlands)
From 2016 to 2019, Raquel was one of the organizers of the Dutch KIVA. Through ceremonies, sacred storytelling and ritual performances, Raquel shares her wisdom and knowledge about the mysteries of the “Holy Woman. This ancient knowledge about the sacredness of life and our deep connection to the cycles of nature forms the basis of her teaching and prayers. As a Dutch wisdomkeeper, Raquel has been asked to start a new ceremonial site in the Netherlands for the sacred KIVA fire.
Musician Anna Fernhout
Anna Fernhout writes Dutch-language songs about the ins and outs of our humanity. Her lyrics and charisma are direct and open with a touch of humor. In her songs you can hear the longing to be “truly” human, without a mask, with an open heart, full of courage and fear. With knowing and longing to find each other in openness and where we dare to be vulnerable. It is her mission to create places where we can come together as people and where our hearts may open. Where we don't have to perform anything, but where we may relax into who we are. Whether we feel joyful, grumpy, vulnerable or alive. Places where we dare to be fully human.
For more information and an impression of the atmosphere, see:
Tickets: € 25
Program time: 19.30 - 22.00 hours
Museon-Omniversum Dome
President Kennedylaan 5
2517 JK Den Haag Sign Up