Talkshow: Stop violence against women
- Date: 28 November
- label.tijd 19:30
- Location: Centrale Bibliotheek, Podium B (5e verdieping)

This edition is dedicated to the Orange the World campaign.
In the programme series Agora, journalist Hizir Cengiz talks to various guests, about literature, art and human experiences. The edition on 28 November is dedicated to Orange the World, a campaign that draws attention to violence against women and girls worldwide every year. The interview guests: Tessel ten Zweege and René Haring.
Author, programme maker and feminist Tessel ten Zweege published, among others, the book ‘Femicide: Until death do us part’. In the foreword, she writes: ‘My curiosity about femicide and the distance I sometimes feel when approaching this subject theoretically clash fiercely with the memory of the cold metal once pressed against my throat.’ In Agora, Tessel talks about femicide, which she says is one of the most predictable murders, in the Netherlands.
René Haring was convicted of very serious domestic violence. He shares his experiences, including in discussion groups he founded for (former) perpetrators. Because the cycle of violence can be broken by talking about it, René believes. In an interview with RTL News, René says: ‘Domestic violence should be taken out of the taboo. Perpetrators of domestic violence should be able to talk about it, without immediately ending up in criminal law. That threshold must be removed.’ René talks about how we can become a society without aggression.
Janny Metz, psychologist and working as a behavioural scientist at Safe Thuis Haaglanden is also a guest. There, she contributed to the drafting of the stalking approach, the approach to complex separations and the MDA++ approach. In addition, Janny gives training courses on domestic violence and complex separations from her own company Flamingo Training en Advies. She advocates the use of science-based tools on the one hand, and a warm heart with a self-reflective brain on the other. She will share her experiences as an expert.
Musical accompaniment by Pardis
Pardis consists of Mehrnaz Salehi (vocals) and Bam Commijs (piano).
Sign up for free via the button below for an evening filled with impressive and informative stories and perspectives. You will be welcomed with a cup of tea and coffee. During this programme, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Afterwards, there will be drinks.
Orange the World is coordinated in the Netherlands by UN Women in cooperation with Soroptimist International and Zonta. Partners are: Gemeente Den Haag, Veilig Thuis, VVAO, Inner Wheel, YWCA, Plan Nederland, Emancipator and Vrouwen van Nu.
Centrale Bibliotheek, Podium B (5e verdieping)
Spui 68
2511BT 's-Gravenhage Sign Up