Black Hague Experience - Heri Heri meal and Honouring Heros on 1 July 2024 in Paard
- Date: 01 July
- Location: PAARD

KIP Republic is producing thousands of free Heri Heri meals throughout the Netherlands for the fifth year. And pop podium PAARD is participating again!
The Hague, June 7, 2024 - On July 1, 2024, with Keti Koti / Kibra Kadena, we in the Netherlands will commemorate the abolition of Trans-Atlantic slavery in July 1873. Creative production agency KIP Republic from Amsterdam, in cooperation with various organizations and partners, is organizing Free Heri Heri For All (Free Heri Heri) for this day for the fifth time. Free Heri Heri For All invites you to eat the Surinamese dish Heri Heri together on July 1 to commemorate and celebrate the abolition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in the Dutch Kingdom. Starting on June 27, top chefs with Afro-Caribbean, Cape Verdean and Surinamese roots, in collaboration with employees of the Royal Household Service (including senior chef Wilco Arts) and residents of Amsterdam, under the direction of chef Daniel Adriaan, will set to work preparing 10,000 Heri Heri dishes to be distributed to participating organizations throughout the country.
Commemorative Year of Slavery
With the commemoration in the Oosterpark and the Keti Koti Festival on the Museumplein on Monday, July 1, in Amsterdam, this year (2024) will close the Slavery History Memorial Year. During the commemorative year, events and activities throughout the entire Kingdom have focused on the history of slavery and its repercussions in the lives of people today, and in particular the lives of the descendants of enslaved people. In the meantime, The Hague is preparing for the first monument, designed by South African artist Buhlebezwe Siwani, to commemorate the victims of TransAtlantic slavery.
Free Heri Heri For All in the Netherlands lists all locations in the Netherlands where free Heri Heri can be eaten. From The Hague, The Black Hague Experience community is handing out 400 meals for a Hague edition in cooperation with poppodium PAARD. This component is sponsored by the Albert Heijn outlet Grote Markt 5 and tropical beverage brand JORO.
The Black Hague Experience is a platform and meeting point consisting of over 40 Hague entrepreneurs, key figures and organizations from the Afro diaspora. They present themselves during the day and evening program in the foyer and small hall of the PAARD with music, dance, lectures and a mini-market with local businesses. Eating together provides space for dialogue and exchange regarding the meaning of the day and sharing knowledge about history.
Theme Heroes / HEROES
This year for the first time there is a theme that serves as a thread during the Keti Koti/Kibra Kadena celebration. With the theme 'HELDEN/HEROES', the local image campaign and program in the PAARD will focus on unknown heroes, forgotten heroes, resistance heroes, historical heroes and cultural heroes who, as descendants of the enslaved, fought for their freedom and resisted their oppressors.
What to expect in the PAARD?
By day:
- Ceremonial libation by the Afro-Surinamese and Caribbean group Asina
- Free meal promotion by KIP Republic with fruit from Albert Heijn branch Grote Marktstraat 5 and
tropical drinks from JORO
- Mini-market with local PDOs (black owned businesses)
- Pop-up store and exhibition by Zenzy Blindeling
- Face painting for the children by Claudia Noordzee
- DJs by Litt Events
By night:
- DJs by Litt Events
- Host Frandjescka Balootje
- An opening speech by Shemar Helmond (Unlock)
- Dance group Dreamchasers
- Readings by spoken word artist Daniëlle Zawadi (Het Zwarte Schaap)
- Announcements of performances by key figures from The Hague
- Short film Talking to Bushman by Jassir Jonis (winner Tokyo International Cannabis Film Festival)
- Caribbean Seú and Tambú formation Rincho x Friends
- Surinamese Kawina formation 2Gether
Capturing the day and evening program will be done by photographer Kevin Domfeh and videography byWeah Media. Room decorations with traditional cloths are by Virginia Prade.
Preview Podcast Women With Sauce
During the month of June, the podcast Vrouwen Met Saus devotes an item to the commemoration, wreath-laying and celebration of The Hague's Trans-Atlantic slavery past. Vrouwen Met Saus is a weekly podcast in which Esnart Soeters, Ines Ngabo and Shannon Vrede discuss various relevant topics.
Image campaign artist Zenzy Blindeling x spoken word artist Daniëlle Zawadi
This year's image campaign and wearable artwork of Free Heri Heri For All x The Black Hague Experience is designed by Curaçao artist Zenzy Blindeling, spoken word artist Daniëlle Zawadi and designed by graphic agency Diamond Raven. There is also a pop-up store and exhibition of previously released and new work by Zenzy. Based on the stories of 18 black resistance heroes of the past, highlighted by Aspha Bijnaar, Zenzy Blindeling and Daniëlle Zawadi translated these stories into images and poetry.
A common thread in the stories of all these heroes is their decisiveness: the determination that one would rather be dust than live in oppression and/or slavery. The image includes references to the grains of rice that women hid in their hair and later planted in Latin America. The text on the back describes the journey the dust takes through various situations. On the text in the image is a confession: "I am a witness, speaks the dust." Consciously or unconsciously, much has been seen, experienced and is still relevant today.
Activities Keti Koti The Hague 2024
Throughout the month of June there are various activities as part of the commemoration of the ancestors and brave key figures and celebration of the abolition of the transatlantic slavery past in The Hague. See what activities are near you in The Hague at
Date: Monday, July 1, 2024
Location: PAARD
Address: Prinsegracht 12, 2512 GA The Hague
Time: by day: 12:30h to 17:00h, by night: 19:30 - 23:00h
Entrance: by day free, by night € 5,-
Prinsegracht 12
2512 GA Den Haag Sign Up