Hague Freedom Weeks - Balance of a Family - with afterword
- Date: 04 May
- label.tijd 15:00
- Location: Filmhuis Den Haag

In 1959 Kees van Langeraad directed a special documentary for the NCRV in which he took stock of the eventful life of the Jewish Adolf Thau and his family. As early as 1916, Thau fled Russian anti-Semitic terror from his Polish native village to Austria, In 1938, just before the Nazis invaded his home in Vienna, Thau escaped to the Netherlands. His family followed. An escape attempt in the May days of '40 failed. They went into hiding and made it through the war alive. Kees van Langeraad takes Adolf Thau to places in Europe that played a major role during his wanderings. Van Langeraad lets Thau tell most of the stories and alternates the conversations with dramatic photographs and archival footage from the wartime period.
This film screening will be introduced by Leendert de Jong (Head of Film at Filmhuis Den Haag).
Part of The Hague Freedom Weeks 2024
This year's theme is 'Freedom Tells': about the prelude to 80 years of freedom and the scars left by the Second World War. Filmhuis Den Haag, like many other cultural institutions in the city, offers space for knowledge transfer and discussion: what does freedom mean to you? Feel free to come and think, discover and learn at Filmhuis Den Haag. This year we have an extensive program ready, which will be shown from April 11 to May 5.
Click here to see the rest of The Hague Freedom Weeks program.
Filmhuis Den Haag
Spui 191
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