Meet & great with Dutch diplomats
- Date: 25 May
- label.tijd 9:30 - 11:00
- Location: Living Lab

On 25 May two security diplomats, Roy Hans and Louise van Gend, talk about their work as a security diplomat.
Do you want to learn more about the work of a (security) diplomat and/or about counterterrorism in South-East Asia and other regions? Join this lecture/conversation with two Security diplomats!
Diplomatic counterterrorism network
The Netherlands has been on the forefront of the international counterterrorism efforts. In 2016 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established a diplomatic counterterrorism network consisting of regional security coordinators and bilateral experts. These diplomats follow the terrorism and counterterrorism developments in their region, they look for opportunities to cooperate with (local) authorities and share Dutch expertise on the prevention of violent extremism.
During this event mr. Roy Hans (regional security coordinator in South-East Asia) will elaborate on his work as a diplomat and the security challenges in South-East Asia. He will be joined by ms. Louise van Gend, policy officer for counterterrorism at the MFA in The Hague.
Please register for this event via this form.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to
Living Lab
Schouwburgstraat 2
2511 VA The Hague Room Sign Up