Democracy Drinks: Human Rights in Times of War and Crisis

  • Datum: 13 oktober
  • Tijd: 17:00 - 19:00
  • Locatie: Gran Café Utopie

The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy, the Netherlands Helsinki Committee and The Hague Humanity Hub are delighted to announce a new edition of the Democracy Drinks. Join us on 13 October at Grand Café Utopie (Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116) in The Hague, as we turn our focus to human rights. Come along to discuss the situation of human rights in these times of war and crisis; and in particular what is needed and how we can respond.

The event will open with a speech by Antanina Maslyka, Programme Manager Human Rights Defence at the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC). As an organisation working to strengthen the human rights movement and increase the public’s support for and awareness of human rights—and for those that defend them, the NHC has worked with local human rights NGOs and experts all over (Eastern) Europe for 35 years. The last eight months have profoundly changed the landscape of their – and our – work, showing us that freedom and democracy can never, and nowhere, be taken for granted.

At this coming edition of Democracy Drinks, engage in a discussion on how real security and therefore sustainable, lasting peace can only be achieved by building democratic, free and rights-respecting societies. Explore how the changed geopolitical landscape affects the work of all human rights organisations, network with organisations playing a role in determining the future of democracy, and come away with new connections, insights, and goals.

Whether you are a student, a democracy defender, working in an area connected to human rights or simply interested in the topic you are most welcome to join!

Registration is not needed, hope to see you on October 13 at Grand Café Utopie. Sign up for our Democracy Drinks newsletter via

About Democracy Drinks

Hosted in cities including Washington DC, Berlin, Brussels, and Kathmandu, Democracy Drinks are monthly informal networking events bringing together fellow thinkers, advocates, and enthusiasts in pro-democracy spaces. It is a great way of making new contacts and catching up with people you know; for testing ideas and planning actions; for moral support and inspiration. Make sure to invite friends and colleagues that work on or are interested in defending values like democracy, rule of law, human rights.

For more on previous editions of The Hague’s Democracy Drinks click here and here.

Gran Café Utopie

Waldeck Pyrmontkade 116
2518 JR Den Haag

Toon op kaart
