A Small Act
- Date: 01 March
- label.tijd 18:00
- Location: Stichting TransitieCinema

Screening Date: March 1, 2024
Location: Bezuidenhoutseweg 40, Den Haag
Directed by: Jennifer Arnold
Jennifer Arnold’s documentary “A Small Act” focuses on Kenyan diplomat Chris’s search for Hilde, the Swedish woman whose donations ensured that he could get through school.
Years later, he founds his own scholarship program to replicate the kindness he once received.
Any deed – no matter how small – can have a great impact. To be certain, Chris founded his own scholarship program in honor of Hilde.
18.00-19.30 TransitieCinema Dinner; (buy an online ticket for the dinner before February 28th!)
19.30 Screening “A Small Act”
21.00 Q&A with experts
21.40 Drinks and discussion
- Admission to the movie is FREE (but we appreciate donations!)
- Make sure to arrive on time, the doors are closed when the movie starts or the venue is at full capacity.
- DINNER is optional and vegetarian; you can buy your tickets online here.
- The movie and event are in English
Stichting TransitieCinema
Bezuidenhoutseweg 40
2511EA Den Haag Sign Up