Looting art exhibition
- Date: 11 January
- label.tijd 10:00 - 18:00
- Location: Mauritshuis

Suppose you are the director of a museum where art hangs that was once stolen. How do you deal with it? Should you return it? Do you let it hang? And if you let it hang, are you as a museum complicit in robbery?
A very topical subject is the focus of this exhibition: Robbed Art - 10 stories. In recent years, many museums in the Netherlands and abroad have investigated the provenance of their collections. This includes art with a wartime past, stolen from Jewish owners, as well as colonial looted art. By properly mapping the history of the objects, the future of these artworks can be considered.
The exhibition Looted Art - 10 Stories shares with you the struggles museums have with stolen art. Where did the looted objects come from? Why were they stolen? With vr glasses on, you suddenly find yourself in a secret art storage facility. In a tunnel, a kilometer underground, you are suddenly face to face with a stolen Rembrandt. How did it get there?
The subject has direct ties to the Mauritshuis. In 1795, French troops took the paintings from Prince William V's collection to Paris, where they would remain until 1815. Between 1822 and 1875, the first floor of the Mauritshuis was reserved for the Royal Cabinet of Rarities, where various objects of colonial origin were displayed.
Important information
In connection with the exhibition Roof Art, you can book two types of tickets to the Mauritshuis. Tickets that give access to the permanent collection only and tickets for the Mauritshuis' exhibition Roof Art + permanent collection. Due to the capacity of the special VR experiences, it is important to book a time slot online in advance for this exhibition.
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