Queer Migrations
- Date: 02 March
- label.tijd 7:00 - 19:00
- Location: Atrium Den Haag

The search for a safe existence in which to be fully oneself often plays an important role in the lives of queer people. Photographer Zanyar Aziz portrayed several queer individuals in The Hague to showcase their stories and give them a voice. You can view the portraits and stories in the Atrium at the exhibition 'Queer Migrations: Portraits from The Hague.'
The Hague is a multicultural city with queer individuals from different backgrounds, all with unique stories to tell. People have come to live here due to war in their country of origin, poverty, or because they are not accepted due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, forcing them to survive under difficult circumstances. Stories also emerge of queer individuals moving from the Bible Belt to The Hague or migrating from one neighborhood to another because not all places feel safe for queer people. The exhibition allows visitors to look at migration from a different perspective, portraying the 'other' not just as a refugee or migrant, but as an equal.
The exhibition is part of the LGBTQ Humans of Amsterdam project, a project of the Humans of Film foundation. Through this project, the foundation aims to provide young professional photographers with a platform to showcase their artistic talents. The LGBTQ Humans of Amsterdam project began in Amsterdam, but the foundation also seeks to offer a platform in other Dutch cities through this initiative.
Atrium Den Haag
Spui 70, Den Haag
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